To Truly Trust

To Truly Trust

Make sure that you read my first post in this series here I ended my last post with this sentence:  All it takes is trust.  Easy to say, not so easy to do.  Especially if you do not know what it really means to trust. So how do you trust?  How do you give up…

The Power of Prayer

The Power of Prayer

Is there really power in prayer? Have you ever asked that question? I have often asked that question throughout my life. Sometimes when I pray I hear God answer. Sometimes in prayer He is silent, and other times it seems as if my prayers just bounce off the ceiling back to me. The book of…

The Strength of Grief

The Strength of Grief

Grief Affects everyone Grief affects everyone.  It uproots your life and for when I went through it, I felt as if life would never be normal again.  Grief creates an intense feeling of loneliness.  Even though I knew that everyone deals with grief, at the time I felt completely alone.  Even if others around me…